This year, 2025, masters swimming celebrates 40 years since it was first organized into a functioning national body. The idea is to encourage any swimmer over the age of 25 to start, or continue swimming and take part in galas, should they wish. There is also a sub-category for sub-masters who fall into the 19 to 24 age group.
For the pool swimming each individual is grouped into an age category with a 5-year span i.e. 25 to 29, 30 to 34 and upwards the oldest recognized age is 90 to 94 years.
The ability of the swimmers range from those who can complete a 25m swim (1 length) in any stroke, or 50m in a long course pool, up to those swimmers that compete quite seriously. There are no qualifying times that are needed at any level of South African Masters galas.
The idea is to have an environment which is suitable for anyone, regardless of their speed!
There also a number of masters swimmers who take part in open water events.
We have a fun winter series of galas which take place monthly – April, May, June and July. There is also a relay gala, local championships and national championships (25m pool) later in winter.
The program for the coming season, which starts in April, will be finalized in March.